Prime Minister of Pakistan against the Ideology of Pakistan
ARY News has recently aired one of the most controversial public statement of the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Mr Sharif has said in his statement that ‘ It’s the border which appeared between India and Pakistan, otherwise the people have a common heritage of culture, that even their language and eating habits are same and common.’
This statement clearly exhibits that how knowledgeable, articulate and visionary statesman Mr. Sharif is. Mr. Sharif has failed to understand that 2900 kilometer long border between India and Pakistan has not just appeared over-night as a result of a volcanic eruption or due to some natural disaster. This very border is the result of the years’ long political struggle of the Muslims of India under the leadership of Mr. Jinnah. This border has appeared after a massacre of 200,000 to 500,000 people who were killed in the retributive genocide in 1947.
May I request the learned Prime Minister of Pakistan to refer the report of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which suggests that due to creation of Muslims’ separate homeland the largest Mass migration of the Human history took place in 1946-47.An estimated 14 million people from Hindu, Muslim and Sikh communities had displaced.
It is very unfortunate that Prime Minister of Pakistan has defied the words of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who said in March 1940, “The Hindus and Muslims belong to two different religious philosophies, social customs, literature. They neither intermarry, nor interdine together and, indeed they belong to two different civilizations which constitute ‘Independent States’ in which the constituent units shall be autonomous and sovereign.”
Prime Minister of Pakistan while mocking the ‘two nation theory’ has more or less endorsed what Jawhar Lal Nehru stated while criticizing Mr. Jinnah and the demand of Pakistan in the following words,
“Mr Jinnah’s demand was based on a new theory he had recently propounded—that India consists of two nations, Hindus and Muslims. Why only two I do not know, for if nationality was based on religion then there were many nations in India. Religious barriers are obviously not permanent, as conversions take place from one religion to another, and a person changing his religion does not thereby lose his racial background or his cultural and linguistic heritage.’’
Prime Minister of Pakistan in his statement appears to be voicing in the BJP’s voice. BJP and RSS have also been propagating that all the peoples of Indo-Pak subcontinent, their cultures and heritage are common and everyone born in the Indo-Pak sub-continent is ‘Hindu,’ which literally means ‘inhabitant of the land of the river Sindhu,’ the modern-day river Indus. Prime Minister Sharif’s ideology correlates with BJP’s ideology which suggests that Muslims, Sikhs and Christians are seen as a part of the national ‘Hindu’ fabric, and could not have thrived as they have without the Hindu sense of the brotherhood of all mankind.
Mr. Sharif’s views about common Indo-Pak culture is also based on mere observations and intuitive assumption and not based on empirical investigation. The Culture has been increasingly viewed as influencing the daily life and behavior of the individuals. In general, the term culture denotes the whole product of an individual, group or society of living beings. It includes technology, art, science, moral systems and the characteristic behaviors and habits of the selected living entities. Mr Shairf also failed to understand that Religion and culture are inextricably woven and religion has a potent influence on the peoples’ lives across diverse cultures. The religious foundation of Indian culture is based on division of caste, millions of God and goddesses, ritualism and superstition while in contrast the religious basis of Pakistani culture is a monotheistic religion (Islam) and believe in one benevolent God (Allah).
I am also dumbfounded that which ‘common language’ Prime Minister of Pakistan was referring to ?In India there are 1,652 languages out of which 350 are recognized as ‘major languages’ and 18 are the official languages. Around seventy three percent people of India speak Aryan languages, twenty percent speak Dravidian languages, 1.38 percent speaks Austric languages and 0.85 percent speaks Sino-Tibetan languages. Prime Minister of Pakistan might be fluent in Indo-Aryan Sanskrit but majority of Pakistani population can’t read and write Sanskrit or Hindi.
How India’s language and culture could be the same as Pakistan?as India itself is a multicultural, multilingual and multiethnic society and that the usage of nation as a surrogate for culture is in-appropriate for countries like India with heterogeneous cultures.