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I am here My name is Malala

This Poem is to thank the World leaders those who Supported Malala in the Hours of Trouble, Specially the director General of UNESCO-and HER STAFF extraordinaire-She came out very very Strong in Condemning the sad adventure which is providing nothing else but publicity,to a few handful of people who are hell bent to stop female education in Pakistan.

I am here My name is Malala,——————–
I am the other story you associate with Islam,
I am sheer determination Of Asia,
U have ridiculed me after the breakup of USSR-
Imposed Sanctions on My Land, Corrupted the Infra structure,
Yet i am here a Victim of My own Brothers hand,
Who is Tired of Drone attacks, wants a way Out,
with Nothing else to do he tried to stop me,
From Getting Educated,In Pretext of he is doing Us all a favor,
The Drug Lords ,Once allies of the West, in Money Laundering Trillions of Dollars cash.
The So called Jehadi, the Bluffers of Holy WAR,
How dare they Compared my Case with The Holy People of the Past,
My Only appeal was Education, Till my Last Breath,
My Innocent way of telling things,in my own sweet Blog, of MY YOUTH,
I am grateful for the WORLD, who UNITED ME in My Wounds of Courage,
Thank you For Noticing Me ,I am sure there will be MORE Like Me,
The WORLD Readers are Fond of Me with World Leaders alike,
Not Long ago my tribal belt was Trying to get Rid of these Draconian Laws, of Ancient cavemen,
Who came as Guests and we looked after them for so many years, YET they Pounce on US-
Now they Turn Against Us, is this what the Brother Hood of Man as A refugee stood for,
Now it is Time for them To go back Home,
Before i curse them ,That they should also be Punished,
here is your Last chance HAVE Mercy on US and leave us alone,
My Prays for my Country that is My Mother Land-In Peace and Harmony,
My ideas for Fellow Girls, To be Educated, Is that a SIN-
Go away these care takers of Religion,
And i wanna hear that you have Left Pakistan For Good,
As the Gun men took his shot, I wish the artist M.Bugi will say to you I am Malala shoot me first Like Spartacus, I am Spartacus,
I am also Joan of Arc, You name it I am there, u thought u took my Life as i fell from the tree of LIFE in Autumn,
With Blood soaking face I looked upon My Creator, and Prayed,
Not Now My Child he also whispered to meet me No sooner than expected,
My House was not Ready to welcome you.
I give My Gratitude to all who supported me, Do call them Names,
Oh Dear Mankind,
Show them on Judgment day what did you get in RETURN,with in days Humanity was Joined, all of them SAID I am Malala-

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