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American wings to Gwadar

The importance of Gwadar Port will not merely benefit Pakistan, it would also spread economic activities in the region. Gwadar Port would prove to be a turning point in international politics. Countries such as China, India, Iran and Middle…

Selfie, not an abnormality

Being a research scholar I have objection on the published article by American Psychiatric Association (APA) on 31 March 2014, the Adobo Chronicles published an article positing that the American Psychiatric Association had stated that…

What is Emotional Crime?

Since the beginning of the human existence, the existence of the good and bad has come along with it. Humans have the choice to behave in a good or bad manner in their environment. Each and every culture has its own values and priorities…

Nuclear Time

Human being is a systematic creation of creator, which gives perfection to the nature, where “Politics" is the collective study of human lives, which organizes and develops to give perfect structural form to human society to maintain a…

An unheard voice

To be not among you today, we are here thousand miles away, where no one could touch and see us. Even we could not fight for our future. We are here with no clear reason but with a hidden agenda. We have to tell you on the behalf of all our…