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The winter of our discontent

Along cold winds and deathly fog this winter appeared the blood numbing story of a little girl’s abduction, rape, murder in what has now come to be known as Pakistan’s ‘rape-capital,’; Kasur. The face of Zainab’s father, eyes stunned,…

Relaxed Home.. hardly an oxymoron

Homes, our personal spaces, are powerful. Whatever a home is, and it can be anything, from a dorm room at college, to a tiny apartment, a modest family house, or a dream house, it must have the virtue to put us at our ease. I am a great…

Kashgar: The Mongolian City of China

The Uighur pronounced as Weighur are Mongols of China belonging to the Inner Mongolia in the northwestern province of Xinjiang (Zin gi aang – the largest province of China). For centuries, Kashgar or Kashi has enjoyed a viable status of…

A Silk Route Expedition To Remember

Our silk road expedition started with the flying in of participants into the old city of SHANGHAI on the 22nd of April 2017. They came from all parts of the world, echoing the age old tradition of traveling to the farthest Orient.…