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United In Grief

The world at large has benefited from the notion of a ‘global village’ in the last 20 years or so, where borders were deemed to have become largely irrelevant, distances seemed to have shrunk and people at large have felt closer under a…

History in a Loop?

We always make a note of joyous and/or somber occasions in our calendars and each year with renewed fervor we choose to celebrate or mourn depending on the nature of the event.  However, quite often momentous life altering events slip…

The Harbingers Of Change

A few years ago a certain American President uttered the words 'you are either with us, OR you are against us' thereby drawing an invisible line to polarize the world in two halves. Those wanting to bring the wrath of US upon ALL that stood…


It started off like any other idea, PTI (more specifically Imran Khan) has floated in the last couple of years with seemingly little thought put behind it. Long march against 'electoral rigging'. Most of us had heard this slogan numerous…