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Independence day: Securing Pakistan from India’s enmity

As 14th August used to approach, I remember when I was a kid I used to decorate my home with small Pakistani flags called Jhandies  along with my brothers and celebrate it by chanting  in streets “Pakistan ka Matlab Kiya: La Ilaha IllalAllah”  and “Kashmir bane ga Pakistan”. Unfortunately this year 145 little innocent children who sacrificed their lives for the land of pure on 16th December 2014 carnage are not among us. We should celebrate this day as a one nation by showing our solidarity with  children of Peshawar .We should need to convey a strong message to the world  on this special day is “Every Pakistani is a brand ambassador” and we are united as a nation. We need to rebrand Pakistan image by telling the world we are not terrorists but we are victim of terrorism. As we are making this day we should also have a look on the reasons why Pakistan was made? Was it a mistake?

Altaf Hussain’s request for invasion of Indian army into Pakistan in his recent speech is evident how India is still influencing in Pakistan’s internal political and economic infrastructure through their agents. Do you remember the recent Peshawar incident of 16th December 2014 or earthquake in 8th October 2005 when the world was astonished to see the unity of the nation?

India has never accepted Pakistan wholeheartedly since its day of inception and used various methods to destabilize Pakistan. Indian PM Modi during his state visit of Bangladesh in June had admitted their alleged dirty role to break Pakistan, He said we are proud Indian army sacrificed themselves for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Now India is running a campaign to convert Muslims back into Hindus named as “Ghar Wapsi Program”. India didn’t recognized Pakistan and still all their policies circulate around to implement their narrow-minded concept of “Akhand Baharat” to destabilize Pakistan.

Pakistan came into being on the basis of two nation theory in which Quaid e Azam Muhamamd Ali Jinnah categorically described the purpose to build separate country for the Muslims of subcontinent as Muslims and Hindus are two different nations, our culture and traditions are totally different from each other. They worship the cow, we slaughter it. No, need to go back in history recently India executed Yakub Memon convicted over Bombay bomb blasts. Indian court system was influenced by powerful Hindu government of Modi Sarkar to give him punishment as a Muslim. He was hanged by ignoring those culprits who were involved in destruction of Babri masjid and Gujrat riots (himself Modi).  Yakub Memon last statement “Jinnah was right in making Pakistan, Hindustan is for Hindus only” is enough to understand the motives behind to get separate country. Now it looks apparent the decision to make Pakistan was right

Pakistan always tried to make their relations better with India but this is India which doesn’t want to waste any single moment to defame Pakistan on each and every platform through its media, lobby groups, pressure groups locally and internationally. Pakistan is considering giving title of most favourite nation to India but on the other hand the level of trust is so low between two countries even India looks pigeon from cross border with suspicious eyes.

Pakistan was established due to great sacrifice of our elders. They sacrificed their lives to give us a better future. World’s largest migration took place in 1947. The dream which Allama Iqbal saw our elders made it true under the leadership of great leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah. At the time of creation we were united as a one nation had an identity, self esteem and respect all over the world. What now we are disintegrated on religious basis, linguists and even couldn’t decide who is martyr. Since long, Pakistan enemies are trying to divide us but we have proved to the world we are one nation. Pakistanis have already proved they are the brilliant nation of philanthropists, engineers, scientists, artists, bankers and doctors. The only need to lift up this nation from this quagmire requires a sincere and honest leadership. God bless Pakistan.  Happy Independence Day.

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