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‘Friendly’ neighbours who won’t even trust our pigeons!

While Pakistan is considering bestowing India with the title of most favourite nation (MFN), trying to boost bilateral relations and to enhance their trade with our eastern neighbour, the recent pigeon incident made it doubtful to do business with a country harbouring suspicions on cross borders birds. Movement of birds from one border to another is a natural thing and they are not restricted to move freely between two borders as these innocent don’t know whether it’s a Pakistani border or Indian border.

Have we considered what would be the consequences of future trade and MFN for our country in future when if something went wrong there due to their own mistake, who shall be blamed? .It is true from day one that Indians have not accepted Pakistan wholeheartedly as a separate, sovereign state and always tried to destabilize Pakistan economically, culturally, internally and externally through different communication tools. India can’t afford to see Pakistani flag being hoisted in Kashmir or anywhere in the world. The recent incidents of terrorism after China’s huge investment in Pakistan are obvious for all to see.

Pakistan just commemorated Yom-e- Takbeer on 28th May , the day when the nation became a nuclear power . India who is more scared than ever before and seems to be on its toes ever since Pakistan tested its first drone Buraq and RAAD missiles, they foolishly suspect every bird as a potential weapon . Can a country that is not ready to accept birds from our country, deal fairly and justly with our goods? During the times of old, pigeons were used as a mode of communication between lovers to exchange messages. I’m sure most of you might recall the famous song:-


Ja Ja

Ja Ja

( Kabootar Ja Ja Ja )…

Pehle Pyaar Ki Pehli Chitthi

O O Pehle Pyaar Ki Pehli Chitthi Saajan Ko De Aa

( Kabootar Ja Ja Ja )…

The ‘suspect’ Pakistani pigeon was caught by a 14 year old boy of Pathankot ,India. He saw some writing in Urdu and rushed towards a nearby police station. At the police station, as goes a famous proverb “Doodh ka jala chaanch ko bhi phook phook ke peeta hai”, the Indian police immediately sent this pigeon for X- ray and when nothing adverse was found, they kept it in custody!

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