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The Worship of the Warrior – Pakistan

“Pakistan ka Allah Hafiz”

The General who commanded his armed forces by leading from the front said this with raised hands, heavy heart & Teary eyes. Heavy heart & Teary eyes were not because of leaving Presidency but due to the situation through which Pakistan was going through. Satisfied with his actions and decisions that were always based on the Vision ‘Pakistan First’, he said in his last speech as a President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

“Now I am satisfied, but at the same time I am sad and in pain as well that Pakistan is sliding downhill very quickly.  This is my heartfelt sorrow, I am very sad”

That was the black day of 18 August 2008.

He then went on International lecture circuit that both national and international media drum played as ‘self-imposed’ exile which in reality was not. He as a statesman, an intellect, a philosopher and a leader always promoted and defended Pakistan on the floors of Powerful Think Tanks and various top institutions that no other Pakistani leader has ever done before. In fact no one is of such caliber as his!

& then after 4 years on 24 March in 2013, this Great Warrior and Ghazi, the Great Commando General Syed Pervez Musharraf returned to his Motherland, his Junoon,his Ishq, this Pak Dharti!

Yes as he said on 18 Aug 2008:

“Pakistan Mera Ishq hai. Pakistan is my Love; and always, my life is for Pakistan”

While on board in his comeback flight EK 666 from Dubai to Karachi, he expressed his happiness in these words:

“I am feeling nostalgic…I am happy I am going back”

After landing at Jinnah International Airport addressing to his supporters who gathered to welcome him,he asked from his opponents:

“People said I would not come. Where are those people now? People were trying to scare me. I only fear Allah, no one else”

With resolve to ‘Save Pakistan’ he said:

“Where has the Pakistan I left five years ago gone? My heart cries tears of blood when I see the state of the country today.I have come back for you. I want to restore the Pakistan I left.”

With determination to serve the Motherland he said:

“Now, I will live here and change the fate of the country”

Imagine the feelings of a Warrior who fought and who guarded this Motherland for more than 40 years. He returned despite serious life threats on him, ignoring the caring advice of his family and friends and also even knowing that unending, politicized and Vindictive Legal battle was awaiting him. This can only be done by a Man who worships Pakistan!

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