Changing trends of learning in formal education setup
Learning is the process in which a person consciously takes himself farther away from ignorance. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, the inability to understand something without guidance from an outside force. Different educational institutions across the globe use different methodologies to ensure quality education. There is a growing concern about quality education. How can universities guarantee quality education when in the midst of such explosive growth? What are exemplary pedagogical experiences that can help establish a high quality-learning program? These questions are not new in the field: however answers to these questions are slow in emerging.
Learning is an experience that has a formative effect in the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. As an activity it is very aged. The process of learning started with the existence of mankind. Hazrat Adam (A.S) learned a lesson when he disobeyed God. In (Quran 7:19-22) God says ‘Did I not forbid you not to eat from that tree?’ consequently, “Hazrat Adam and Bibi Eve were ordered to leave the Garden which they were in and descend to earth where they and their children will live and die, and where Satan will also be there. They learned a lesson that they will be punished if not follow the instructions of almighty God.
21st century is quite famous for bringing tremendous evolution in the field of education. The rapid development of computer and Internet technologies has dramatically increased the ways of teaching and learning. There has been work on learning methodology over the last two decades. Many researchers worked to identify relevant stimuli that may influence learning and manipulating the school environment. Some of the common learning styles and environmental factors need be considered when attempting to create the best learning environment. With the rise of formal learning, different authors came up with books on different topic’s helping students to widen their intellectual horizon. But the survey conducted by national endowment for the Arts Washington DC found that reading books practice has dramatically dropped over the past 20 years. People prefer to watch television rather than reading books in their leisure time. When you are reading something you are reading from others perspective, the author may belong to other country having different environment which may not be practically applied in your country. It is also possible the data that you are reading might be obsolete. A good portion of student’s time is spent on reading. We can’t deny the importance of reading. Reading has its own importance and helpful for enhancing knowledge. But problem with majority of educational institutions are overemphasis on syllabus and books. Recent changes in the educational sector have lead many universities to re-think their existing approaches in attracting students to their institutions. Attracting better students and increasing student enrolments is becoming more critical than ever. In the past, the needs of students were overlooked. Universities focused mainly on either administrators or the faculty’s perspective. Nevertheless, the customers’ needs are the driving force of every business and should be the most important consideration for universities as well.
As competition among universities grows in intensity to attract students and produce them to meet global job market. They have increased the portion of practical activities by conducting different seminars, workshop, industrial tour, and internship programs. It is evident that high rated educational institutions emphasize on practical aspects of learning by inviting different executives to their institution. It has been proved that learning through practical involvement can be retained for longer period of time. Different colleges, institutions, and universities these days are focused on practical side of learning, especially interaction with intellectuals. They invite different executives, managers, engineers and scientists to come and interact with their students. This interaction can be in the form of formal seminars, workshops or sending their students to different organizations for internship program. When students interact with intellectuals they imbibe true picture of relevant topic. It helps them to approach different logics and concepts in more realistic way. When people are interacting with intellectual, they are hitting different learning styles at once and they are in far better position to retain that information for a longer time period. Some of the best forms of knowledge transfer involve interaction with intellectuals. It is a mutual or reciprocal action, although students learning are a combination of different styles. But the portion of interaction with intellectual is very less. Many advantages of interaction with intellectual are forcing students to keep balance with current global situation.
In order to survive in global competitive market, universities across the globe needs to engaged in collaborative research work through video conferencing. Sign Memorandum of understanding with organizations on student/cultural exchange and internship programs. Invite intellectual from different fields and encourage student societies to transform human resource well suited for all odds of life.