Strategic Overlapping: What is for Pakistan?
US duality is on up front, has its face all on Indian side, merciless towards us, this is international politics, but it is time for us to grab own good.
Presence of Obama in India gave Modi a chance to propagate the worst as best. Modi cashed the moment, while preaching his terms; he continued the legacy of being a ‘baniya’. Modi did the best to impress Obama, but equally earned it. Modi presented an image of shinning India, but this sip of pomp did not let Obama see what’s beneath.
With thousands on road, demanding US to take hands off from India and echoing streets of IOK displayed well that all gossips happening in tall wall are mere desires of Modi. No doubt, Modi tried grabbing best suitable moment of Republic Day to get close but then in state matters, this is not just enough. What whirls around is the point of ‘duality’ of Obama of knowing the inside games of India and still onto grouping as best buddies.
Not to go far but just at the end of 2014, COAS visited US, was bestowed with highest award. Meanwhile, the world was analyzing the positivity, a dossier was placed of US table with proofs containing info about Indian involvement in Pakistan.
Now that was a situation when the military leadership did the extreme of juxtaposing facts, demanding justice. And there is a situation today, duality is all open here, shake hands with both but call one a friend.
This is a clear cut thing, US needs Pakistan for Afghanistan. US wickedness must not become a victim of Indian baniya-ness. And India should make use of its baniya thinking and not to fall in American trap, which has grown from lethal to devastating. And so as India and US are onto friendly relation, Pakistan must give a brotherly shot to its relations with China.
Looking at the strategic overlapping in the region, US is once again onto accomplishing its own missions, may it demand to crush Pakistan. However, India would be the first one to swing along. Afghanistan would want the good come from anywhere, be it anyone. But this is crucial for Pakistan who holds a four liner foreign policy, with opposition of full time foreign minister vacant. In this scenario, if somebody important takes a stand and places a fact on board in best regards, it must be appreciated. Or the public must wait to see government making rebuttal days after some significant happening.
To conclude long short, regional hegemon will be the one who has Uncle Sam’s magical stick. And Pakistan’s name is not in the list from the bottom side even. So, what the situation demands? Say thumbs up to our very own welfare. Pakistan has already blacked out bumpy ways out with very less to lose, and then what’s bad in continuing the legacy. Pakistan is standing on a cliff edge, losing the grip but it’s time to take a top shot i.e. do what that suits us…!!!