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My Pen is Mightier than Your Sword!

Mr. Terrorist! Do you know who I am? Yeah! you targeted me on 16th of December, 2014 by considering me the ordinary student of army public school, Peshawar Pakistan…I was not only the student…I was Hope.. I was future… I was proud… and I am life….Yeah I am alive; as per the promise of Allah Almighty I have got forever life after martyrdom…Are you blind? Look at me in the eyes of my mother, find me in the courage of my fellow students, seek me in the heart of my people…I am in prayers, I am in tears; I am everywhere. My martyrdom has unveiled your faces, now, the nation which has already sacrificed so many sons for his dignity and survival is much more united to get you people out from our country.

It is the biggest tragedy than my martyrdom that you are known as Muslims; I was surprised when you asked us to recite Kalama, I think you don’t even know the meaning of these greatest words. Although I was a kid but being a Muslim I know my religion Islam is the religion of peace and love and my mother has told me Muslim is one who respect humanity; he is gentle, he is generous, he is the guide, and he ensures the safety and survival of all the creatures of Almighty.

Indeed, the life of our prophet (Peace be Upon Him and His Family) is the greatest example for all us. He is known to be the greatest Man of History and what I observed from his life that even his enemies called him the most gentle, trustworthy and humble person who can never hurt anyone. Let me tell you, The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.) was very kind to children and loved them very much .One day, he placed his two grandchildren, Hassan(A.S) and Hussain(A.S), on his lap and began kissing and cuddling them.

A man who was passing by saw what the Prophet (S.A.W) was doing, and became very surprised. “I have ten children,” he said .And I have not kissed even one of them. The Prophet heard what this hard-hearted man said and became very annoyed and said. “I do not think this man will attain paradise, “.Alas!You are expecting paradise by killing hundreds of innocent children like me.

Can’t you see the reaction? My fellows want to join army and take revenge from you;they are injured but they are not afraid, they are deprived but not defeated. Every student of Pakistan has promised to fulfill my dreams; they will take the charge of my country and they won’t allow you to abolish my motherland; I am proud! they won’t let me down in front of you.

You already noticed that how courageous my mentors were? My Principal and my teachers burned alive but they didn’t allowed you to hurt me because they knew how important I was. Now, the Teachers of my country will follow them and work hard to remove the darkness of illiteracy from this world which gives birth to people like you.

You killed us and considered us dead but you will see “My PEN Is Mightier than Your Sword”.

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