Cyber Incidents; Matter of Concern
In the current globalized world, everything is nearly available just at one touch. Whether, the personal information of individuals or that of organizational data or banking setup, aggregate is being computerized. Though one feels, that the required data or information is secured and safe, which is actually not? The term cyber warfare reveals much that those relevant information and facts are being circulated and watched by the people known to us by the name of hackers. In return such would be used as a tool to exploit the individual and institutions or manipulate the whole country.
The leviathan cyber attack on JPMorgan Chase that touched more than 83 million households and businesses was one of the most serious computer obtrusion into an American corporation. But it could have been much worse. Now here the question arises who are the hackers and what ambitions they are pursuing and how such concerns the government and other official related to different spheres.
The latitude of the attacks — and the inadequacy of clarity about whether it was an effort to strip from accounts or to flaunt that the hackers could penetrate even the best-protected American financial institutions — has left Washington intelligence officials and policy makers far more distressed than they have let on publicly. Some American officials speculate that the breach was intended to send a message to Wall Street and the United States about the vulnerability of the digital network of one of the world’s most important banking institutions. This was not the only institution being attacked but according to the details nine other financial institutions were also being hacked which previously has not been reported. With such intrusion, it seems that best American institutions are not secured from the attacks being made by the hackers and in response to that hacking, contraction of customers was observed. These matters are of concern not only for US but for the rest world countries to seek some action regarding the cyber incidents as they might be the next victim to such attacks.
Regular review and renovation is crucial as there has been an overall increase in the number of cyber security incidents experienced by businesses, most of which have been targeted rather than random or haphazard attacks. Hackers make their way through, by targeting the emails, which has been reported as the main cyber security experienced all over.
The main gain of making cyber attacks varies, of which major are political and commercial advantages. As in past various interventions are made to steal the secret and confidential information to be used against the State. This has recently come to prominence through the US indicting Chinese officials for the theft of IP from US companies by cyber means. Of concern, 61% of organizations do not have cyber security matters identified in their risk register.
Indeed matter of concern; for policy makers of all the states to seriously look into matters, relating to cyber security. As changing times demands, not to overlook the phenomenon’s that are directly linked to the national security and economy of the state.
To lessen the risks, awareness among the masses, organizations and government institutions has to be introduced and the basic understanding is of utmost importance.