KARBALA: The message to be learned from
Brought up in the lap of the Prophet (S.A.W.W). Imam Hussain (R.A)’s the grandson of Allah’s beloved prophet (S.A.W.W) situate stiff on his ground and prefer to be martyred somewhat than live a life where one formulates the option of skirmishing injustice beneath the carpet and imagining it not at all.
Imam Hussain (R.A) revolt instructed all the nations around the world that when law and order are dishonored blatantly, human self-respect and ethical values are underestimated and domination is taking place there should be protest against it. In Imam’s principles, keeping silent on any critical situation will be wrong and connivance. People should take action against intolerable state of affairs even at the cost of life. Imam teaches that sometimes death and martyrdom is the only tonic to revitalize the moral values in a society.
The occasion of Karbala has been fought many centuries ago still provoke pain as the calamity of the battle fought among forces symbolizing good and evil is evoked. The exemplar of bravery and patience set by Imam Hussain (RA), as he led his troops against a cruel enemy is a chronicle history cannot be forgotten. Nor the wise management of Imam Hussain’s (RA) elder brother, Imam Hassan (RA), who died earlier than Karbala, took place as he endeavored to bring peace which would benefit the populace.
The sacrifices made at Karbala in the years that trailed the massacre motivate not only Muslims but to other faiths, as well everywhere. We can merely wish that in the world at present, there were more persons eager to follow Imam Hussain (RA) and what he stood for, refusing to confer immoral and to stand up for decree.
For centuries, the legend created an intellect of unity among Muslims. But unluckily these days, in our country, it splits. Muharram, the month on the Islamic calendar when that fight was fought, has twisted into a time of transformed terror and hurt for our nation. Over the last decade, hundreds have died in wicked terrorist attacks on Moharram’s marches, taken out as per ritual by the Shia sect. Extremist targeted Shias on other junctures as well. During the 9th and 10th of Muharram, which are most passionately blotted days of grief by Shias, fresh pain has often been imposed by suicide bombers , gunmen and newly cracker attacks at imam bargah’s
Yet, there was an occasion, not so long ago in our past, when there was harmony; when Sunnis, too, united in the mass lamenting for the death of the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) by putting up ‘sabeels’ and contributing refreshments along the way of parades when terror was not the center of Muharram. That has, unluckily, changed. We must have to revive the sense of togetherness, learn from the exemplar set years ago and keep away from replicating the brutality of Karbala by cruelly assassinating nation.
What’s more significant, in fact, is the matter we all agree upon. The importance of those who were martyred that day, what they stood for and how we can illustrate lessons from that significant day for our present day. But unfortunately now a days we channelize our energies arguing, debating and demonstrating right or wrong I think we have to focus on what Karbala teaches us all.