Role of Strengthened Media for Transparent Elections
Regarding Amir Dogar winning in Multan – By all means he was a very flawed candidate. But yesterday’s battle was not about him. Winning a seat in National Assembly at this stage does not mean much. If Pakistan has to survive then this system, this nature of Parliament has to change, has to reform.
Today’s battle was about the larger struggle in Pakistani politics and democracy; it was to prove that public has not liked or approved what Hashmi did and that public can punish him for his despicable Faustian bargain- despite all the power and support of Punjab Govt.
It was about PTI and Imran and all others who have taken a position about the system and its coercive power and today was just a test to reaffirm public mood and trust and its ability to withstand the power of an overbearing government. It was also not a vote of trust on Election Commission, (as some spin masters are spinning) but today political agents, media and Election Observers have proved that with persistent public scrutiny and due diligence by media you can compel the District Administrations, Police and Election Commission to act with responsibility.
A fair transparent election took place – despite all tactics of Punjab govt – because of public awareness, media scrutiny and diligent monitoring by Election Observers. We all have learnt our lessons – we have learnt it hard, but we are learning.
The kinds of risks ARY reporter, Salman Shah, took today at several points to expose the smart rigging that was being planned is an amazing tribute to human spirit.
Salman exposed the helplessness of Police when women influencing voting inside Polling Stations were not stopped; when faulty Stamps were discovered, when voter names were not in the lists and finally when the results stopped coming after 7pm. All these were important twists and turns of the day. And Salman Shah was one of the heroes of the day. He informed us of the threats he was getting.
This is a struggle for deeper, meaningful democracy and for independent state institutions. I feel, I cannot quantify, but I feel, its my sense, that under public and media scrutiny Pakistani institutions like ECP, Police, Judiciary and District Administrations are getting more independent and autonomous of government’s overbearing control. Winning back the independence and self-respect for these institutions is an important part of our struggle.
The victory in Multan is a public victory for all these reasons. Amir Dogar was merely a character on the scene. From Karachi to Peshawar, people were rejoicing on streets not for any Dogar, but because they felt and have realized that they are not impotent and they have the power to achieve some results. Today was about results. It marked the end of public helplessness. Journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step. Yesterday we took that step for ourselves, and for a better democratic Pakistan – not for Mr. Dogar of NA-149.