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Referendum in Scotland , Referendum in Kashmir

Kashmir “Jugular vein of Pakistan” as Quaid said , Kashmir “cap on the head of Pakistan” as Liaqat Ali khan said, Kashmir where three rivers runs in Pakistan originates .

Kashmir “Jugular vein of Pakistan” as Quaid said , Kashmir “cap on the head of Pakistan” as  Liaqat Ali khan  said, Kashmir where three rivers runs in  Pakistan originates .

Pre divided Kashmir was largest among 562 princely states in India  with area of 222,870 sq Km  roughly double the area of Denmark , Netherland , Belgium and  Luxembourg combine.

Kashmir due to its geographical location, water resources, natural beauty and physical access with great silk route soon became the flash point between Pakistan and India at the time of partition. Two full scale wars were triggered on Kashmir issues between two nuclear states .Kashmiris want their accession with Pakistan but the Maharaja Hari singh signed the accession with India. In Indian occupied Kashmir hundreds of thousands have been killed by Indian armed forces since the 1947.

Last month devastated flood of Kashmir in decades caused thousands of causalities and hundreds of thousands stuck to their homes without food. This catastrophic flood had to be dealt on emergency basis; however the slow response from Omar Abdullah chief minister of occupied Kashmir and Indian government caused to make their lives worst. Residents staged forceful demonstrations against the apathy of India and its puppet authorities towards their miseries. When Indian army came to help there priority was not the trapped Muslims but the Hindus soldiers and their administration. When they reached to help for these Muslims they start throwing expired food on them as they are beggars this is the reason they refused to accept expiry grain thrown on them and as a retaliation welcomed Indian army by throwing stones on their helicopters as one journalist in Srinagar said “For many, it was like these people were rubbing salt on their wounds,”. If Kashmiris loves Indians stones were not thrown on them, preference was not given to be hungry instead of accepting their expired food. Hundreds of thousands of Indian armed forces were not deployed there with special permissions under the notorious Indian Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) which enables them to start searching any home at any time, arbitrary arrests abduct any one and kill to any innocent during investigation.

When India failed to response timely in devastated floods in Kashmir to hide their negligence and to divert the attention of international media they started shelling and bombardment on line of control with Pakistan. It’s apparent from Shiv Sena hindu nationalist political organisation” Do you need a 56-inch chest to protect the interests of the nation and to teach Pakistan a lesson for their misdeeds? All you need is a strong will power to give it back to them in the same measure,” also Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi led the party charge in taking on Modi, saying he has done nothing to stop the continued shelling and firing by Pakistani troops in Jammu and Kashmir despite “many provocations”. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also raised Kashmir issue in united nation and stated to solve this issue according the resolutions of UN by doing plebiscite there.

In a concluding note i would like to say India has never ever accepted Pakistan wholeheartedly and always tried to destabilize Pakistan through covert terrorism activities directly and indirectly. Kashmir issue should be solved through plebiscite according to resolutions of United Nations. In September people of Scotland decided their fate through plebiscite why not people of Kashmir. Kashmiri leaders Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Syed Ali Gilani praised British government on their brave decision to give right to Scottish people to exercise their right to decide whether they want to live independently or with UK.  They said that the same type of plebiscite can be held in Kashmir to let give Kashmiris to right to self determination.  “Inshallah the  day is not far when Kashmir Bane Ga Pakistan”.

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