United Kingdom v/s so called Islamic State ‘Pakistan’
I have only a few words but they are of quality and needs deep thought from the reader.
Firstly who ever you support your true support should be for a better Pakistan. PMLN PPP PTI MQM or which ever party you side on…
Let me compare UK (where I live) with Pakistan.
PAK:- Pakistan claim to be a Islamic State.
UK:- Has nearly all it’s law that is like Islamic law.
PAK:- VIP culture – they can do what they like.
UK:- Even the Queen has very limited protocol.
PAK:- MNAs can do what they like and abuse people.
UK:- MPs are servants of public – public here has thrown eggs at MPs.
PAK:- Police not independent and corrupt.
UK:– Police treats all of the public in same manner. Police protect public. FIR here is unknown by this name we just phone Police and that’s it – they do their job.
PAK:- PM owns more in London than our QUEEN.
UK:- PM is no richer than he was when he first came to power.
PAK:- MNAs in power talk to Media like rubbish.
UK:- Media gives our MPs a hard time and even tells them off for laughing at serious matters.
PAK:- Life is cheap BUT PTV building is Qibla!
UK:- Life is worth more than any building – even if a fire starts in a building PEOPLE are saved FIRST then building.
PAK:- Health and Safety – does not exit for workers.
UK:- Health and Safety lapse can close down any business/school…
PAK:- No free school/health/housing for public.
UK:- Got no job? Full support given. FREE health care/School/Housing.
The LIST goes On and On – so I would like PAK public to add to this.