Azadi march- the debate from what will to what could
I wonder if our motherland ever imagined that the irony of fate will walk it straight to the worst political standstills of all the times right after one of her birthdays- that one day of commemoration of her resilience!
Sorry was all I could offer her on account of our ‘gorgeous’ political sense, political enthusiasm, political aspirations and political deeds- on this birthday.
Her ‘birthday-political-drama’ though was aired without a knock at anyone’s conscience.
During this ‘highly rated’ drama, rain might not have doused the spirits of the protesters like many other unpleasant realities did!
Stranding his followers (high and “wet”) right in ‘Azadi arena’ while they were bubbling with enthusiasm for change they left their houses for- truly only got IK in as controversial a position as the ‘incident of Model town’ got NS administration lumbered into.
Equal footings now- I assume!
But even if the PTI Junoonist chooses to forgive his Quaid once again (some of them with big hearts already did, specially after the second night he spent in container at the site)…is it going to help lessen political confusion lingering around in the air to any extend? Hard lines! I guess it might just be worsening it!
IK- political analysts agree- is stubborn enough to go out on a solitary protest if he had to, for what he believes in (though TuQ, Musharraf and Sheikh Rasheed might never abandon him now that iron is this hot). But the question here is, if what he believes in is working for anyone around at all? (apart from aforementioned ‘luminaries’).
Today, anyone with some political sense in the country can sense the deadlock IK has steered everyone into, not just with the un-constitutional demands for PM’s resignation but sudden brainwave of civil disobedience too.
NS won’t ever resign for the bliss of children of revolution (I’m sure they are not naive enough to have misjudged their options as to this demand) and IK (even though sources report he might back out on his demand) strongly stated that the only way to rid Islamabad of his Junoonist is if NS resigns for the greater good!
Fat chance!
The debate of what might happen (keeping everyone’s stance in mind) still is futile to its core, what with Pakistani politics’ fame for the staggering velocity of changing scenarios. The foot ball in our country moves like a ping pong ball in the courts of participating parties. Instead, let’s see what couldn’t been done to avoid this deadlock!
Initially, most analysts were siding with IK because of how justice was denied to him that he knocked so many doors for. But the exuberance he stepped out of his den with, soon had everyone pointing out toward the political suicide he was trying to commit! Long march clearly was NOT the sole answer to the crisis he was facing.
My husband used to be such a staunch PTI Junoonist that I would find it scary at times. But IK’s political immaturity soon had him turn his back on our ‘triggerer of Tsunamis’ (like many others), for he believed, there could have been better practical solutions to the situation.
‘Let’s suppose, today NS actually resigns for the greater good’, my husband puts, ‘this still won’t bring any change IK cries for. The new elections would be conducted through the same corrupt system that he has problems with. A resignation won’t change the whole system and make it suddenly acceptable for our man here. What then? Problems with the transparency of another election? Then problems with another elected prime minister because of the same corrupt system (if this prime minister doesn’t happen to be IK this time)? And then it will go on and on and on!
That’s real mature now’!
What he could’ve done here though (for real change and for real ‘Naya Pakistan’) was working on this popular one liner.
‘When you don’t agree with the system; work harder, reach the top and change the system’!
Not easy, but workable (one that might save many re-electoral expenses).
IK could’ve worked on making allies for approval of bills to induce transparency in electoral processes and election commission itself, trying to calmly handle political scenario of the time alongside (something he really REALLY needs to do presently too). Now whenever the ‘next time’ for elections came, could have become ‘first time’ for real transparent elections, endorsed by all the parties that did support the aforementioned bill initially!
True it could’ve taken IK some time (he had 5 years) and energy (he could try lessening his temper tantrums to conserve that) but this could’ve given us all hope for a future that Pakistanis would actually vote for this time.
But then we wouldn’t have this ‘birthday-political-drama’ and surely things would have been a lot less spicier in the country.
Now who would want that for the ‘birth month’ of Pakistan?!