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Alas!!! Ramadan 1435 Hijri in its final days

Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Masud narrates that the beloved and blessed Prophet May the peace and countless blessings of Allah Be Upon Him)said, ‘At every night of Ramadan, an announcement is made in the skies till dawn, ‘O seeker of goodness!

Complete (i.e., keep worshipping Allah) and rejoice, and O evil one! Give up your evil and take some lesson. Is there any seeker of forgiveness, his desire will be fulfilled? Is there any repenting, his repentance will be accepted? Is there anyone making Du’a, his Du’a will be accepted? Is there anyone who seeks anything, he will be given what he wishes for?’ Allah frees sixty thousand sinners from hell each evening of Ramadan at the time of sunset, and on the day of Eid Allah forgives as many people as the total number of those freed throughout the month.’ (Ad-Dur-rul-ManÅ¡ur, pp. 146, vol. 1)

The arrival of Ramadan is an enormous favor bestowed upon us. The doors of mercy are opened by the grace of Allah and innumerable people are forgiven. If only we sinners be given the letter of our salvation from hell by the hands of the Holy Prophet and the sake of Ramadan. Let’s even not forget that fasting in this Holy month ensures health benefits in addition to numerous splendid rewards. Fasting thus ensures Purification of body from toxins, reduction of weight and Purity of brain. Ramadan provides us the golden opportunity to prepare ourselves for departure from this world to the Hereafter. It promotes Self-discipline. Self-control. Self-restraint, Self-education and Self-evaluation.

Ahh !!! Once again, the Holy month of Ramadan is concluding, this year. O Ramadan ! We kept on waiting for you throughout the year and all of a sudden and so quickly, you are now leaving us. We do admit that we haven’t been able to serve you the way, we were supposed to do. We do acknowledge that we couldn’t care for our precious month-long gift bestowed upon us by Almighty Allah.

We haven’t been able to perform good deeds in the Holy Month of Ramadan, this year. Let’s seek forgiveness and blessings of Allah. Allah Almighty showers special mercy on Muslims in the Holy Month of Ramadan. Heaven is adorned for Ramadan from the beginning of the year to the end. O Allah Almighty! For the sake of The Beloved Prophet (May the peace and countless blessings of Allah Be upon Him); and the final days of Ramadan, forgive all our sins and gift us Jannat-ul -Firdous.

Ramadan is concluding, this year but really, we have no guarantee or assurance, as to whether we could get this Holy Month, the next year or not. So let’s all of us perform good deeds as much as much as possible in the remaining days. Let’s pledge not to miss any Salah or fast. Let’s now pledge to focus largely on Fast and least on feast. Let’s pledge to satisfy Allah, The Almighty. Let’s pledge to help the poor in this Holy Month because striving for the betterment of others will bear a tremendous fruit and will; necessarily ensure an excelling outcome in this world and the world hereafter.


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