Tehreek.e.Talibaan Pakistan’s commander urges to set off a new series of attacks on assets and political parties which are backing ZarB e Azb. This news ticker was quite viral on Electronic media as well as social media. Channels started jumping into an imaginary universe where everything was insecure.
I was overtaken by this news and started thinking that someday a person will come for a suicide attack, but after some time with a peaceful mind, I realized that on that point are no civilians in North Waziristan, Only Pakistan Army is there to kill militants and the communication, cell has already been destroyed, No cellular services, then what’s the medium used by the TTP to contact foreign and local journalists and media houses? How they send statements? There are two possibilities either militants are hiding in urban areas or TV channels are getting direct dictations from anti Pakistani elements.
Few days back, I saw a tweet of a famous journalist in which he cited the words of Umer Khurasani, upon asking that from where he is getting such news when there are no means of communication? He blocked my account so that I may not take him any more about that. Since the Army started operation media is playing a confusing function. Journalists are not leaving a single chance to bash Army on Electronic, print and social media. It seems like the media is working on some foreign agenda to defame Pak Army as it’s the only institution which is considered trust-able among all institutions.
Few people on social media ask about the identity of militants got killed in airstrikes, I never realized what kind of mind they have? I wonder if TTP beasts carry any ID card or Passport. I always observe media channels, making false reporting about incidents that nation starts thinking that the victim is the criminal. Same happening in Pakistan Army’s case media is doing a false propaganda to defame our institution, Journalists blaming Army for every wrong doing in Pakistan as if the media is the Holy Cow? Pakistani media acting like a mouth piece of Anti Pakistan elements, government of Pakistan should amend laws and bring some reform to tackle such kind of channels which are 24/7 busy defaming our institutions.