Silence over Gaza is a criminal act
It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to say this, the rest of the world including the Islamic states have left Gaza, they have all forsaken Gaza and left our brethren to die.
Once in Madinah a Jew crushed a young Muslim girls head between two rocks over a property dispute with her father, RasulAllah[s.a.w]`s blessed face became crimson with Jalal and RasulAllah[s.a.w] ordered Qissas to be done, the Jews was caught, and his head was crushed the same way he had crushed that little girl. [Sahih Bukhari]
But today the state of Ummah is that we cannot even register a state level protest against Zionist aggression in Gaza.
There is also a force known as Karma, or natural law or Gods retribution. We saw it in Pakistan, years ago oppression and tyranny started and we remained quiet and today the matters have gone so far out of control that our sisters and daughters and mothers are being slaughtered in broad daylight. Similarly,we must think if we stay quiet over Gaza today, tomorrow this will happen with each and every one of us. RasulAllah [s.a.w] said that the ummah is like a body, if one part is in pain the other part feels that pain. Do you know what happens when inspite of one part being in pain, the other part ignores that pain? The pain spreads, it turns into gangrene and the infection spread to the entire body.
If Pakistan is titled as the fortress of Islam, then let me say it, this ummah will rise from the ashes of Gaza. Those who criticize and say that your words mean nothing, you can`t stop Israel, they fail to understand. Gaza is Palestine and Palestine has Al-Aqsa, the same Al-Aqsa where Sayyidi RasulAllah [s.a.w] led the prayers on the night of Isra. There are secrets, that land is mystical, it is the land of prophets. You can choose to stay quiet,but this silence will be very difficult to account for on the Final day when the people of Gaza will testify to Allah Almighty that when we were being bombed and blown into smithereens, no one even raised their voice for us.