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United We Stand, Divided We Fall

The story of the farmer and his quarrelling sons is well known to everybody. The sons could easily break each stick separately. But when the sticks were tied into a bundle, nobody could break the bundle. From such an example, they learnt the lesson, that union is strength.

The principle of ‘unity is strength’ is the primary basis of peace and happiness of a society and the nation, especially in the time of war. As a nation we must not forget the fact that the survival of Pakistan has never been as difficult as it is today, from the very first day of its inception Pakistan is surrounded by many challenges. The country is in the state of War against terrorism for and 70K Pakistanis including both the civilians and security personnel have been killed during the last decade, Pak armed forces are battling the terrorists based in the Northern Areas and need the nation’s support, because even the greatest armies in the world could not defeat their enemies without the nation’s support.

At the time when Pakistan is going through one of the most crucial junctures of its history and the survival of its ideological and social values is at stake. It’s quite unfortunate that even at this time some political parties like PTI, JI and JUI are playing in the hands of enemies as instead of developing a national consensus on the ongoing military operation Zarb -e-Azb , they seem to creating a gulf between the armed forces and the nation. Another important point to keep in mind is that, these political parties were initially against the military operation against the TTP and tried their hearts out to facilitate TTP behind the cover of Peace Talks.

Popularly known as Taliban Khan, PTI’s chairman Imran Khan still seems to be confusing the nation with vague statements and confused policies. Before the commencement of Zarb-E-Azb Imran Khan went to the extent that he termed Pakistan’s army incapable of fighting the Taliban head on and declared it a lost battle even before the fight had begun and now he is trying his best to sabotage the operation by destabilizing the Political scenario of the country by giving threats that Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) could dismiss KPK government any day.  On the other hand  Jamiat Ulma-e-Islam (JUI) and Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), being religious hardliners who have even been known to support TTP in the past have also started to raise questions over the effectiveness of Zarb-e-Azb with malafide  intentions. In this regard who could forget the poisonous remarks of JI’s previous chief Syed Munawar Hassan, when he said that Pak army’s jawans who die fighting against Taliban are not ‘Shaheed’.  We need to condemn Imran Khan and Co for not condemning the Taliban and not coming out with a clean policy for our Army Jawans being martyred. These cheap political tricks might bring some short term benefits but the divide earlier mentioned parties are trying to creating between the army and the masses could be fatal for the country and would only benefit the enemies of Pakistan.

The ongoing military operation in the North Waziristan against the TTP and other foreign militants, Zarb-e-Azab is not just another military operation. It is couched in the context of negotiations, ceasefires, serious TTP-infighting and, most recently, the Karachi airport attack. Thus, we need to support and stand by our armed forces who are fighting a fierce and decisive battle against the enemies of Pakistan. It is now our duty to respect the lives of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their generations. Today Pakistan is facing even greater threats than it faced in the past. It’s a do or die situation for Pakistan, it’s Now or Never. Whether we save Pakistan or lose Pakistan. Our enemies are getting stronger day by day, minute to minute. We cannot just sit on our hands, our thinking how worse situation have become. We have to do something and we got to do now, we will have to rise above all our personal interests and likes and dislikes. We will have to rise above everything and stand behind our brave armed forces. We will have to reject all the conspiracy theories and theorists who are trying to demoralize Pak army with malicious intentions.

There is no second opinion in that the Unity is the ultimate need of the hour and realizing this fact MQM Chief Mr. Altaf Hussain has taken a very timely initiative in which he has called for a ‘Historical Gathering’ to show solidarity with the armed forces of Pakistan, carrying out the most important military operation Zarb-E-Azb. This historical display of solidarity will be taking place on 6th of July at the Jinnah Park adjacent to the Quaid’s mausoleum in Karachi. This is the high time to rise above all the politics and political differences and support Pak army in this decisive battle as our existence depends of the success of Zarb-E-Azb, thus, all the patriotic politico-religious parties, media, civil society and common Pakistanis must unite against the enemies of Pakistan and show solidarity with the Pakistan Army. As Quaid-e-Azam often used to say,

‘United we stand; Divided we fall.’

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