The Neutral Population
Asked, “So you think that the current political leadership is corrupt and there is no hope from them.”
Replied, “Hope, no way, these people are parasites who are in parliament for their vested interests, they have nothing to do with the well being of people.”
Asked, “Hmm, you must have alternate leadership then in your mind.”
Replied, “No, I don’t side with any political party. They all are chips of the same block”
Asked, “So, you don’t endorse current regime and you don’t have any alternate leadership in mind. Who do you actually support then?”
Replied, “Well, I don’t support anybody. I am a NEUTRAL”
Above conversation will not be something new for all those who have been actively involved in politics, specially, during their university days. You get to a bunch of guys who are unhappy with the current situation, you feel there is a bright chance that you can convince these people to the set of political ideas you carry, you present your ideas to them and try to have a serious discussion about how to change the current situation of country, and guess what, at the end of discussion, you find out that they are NEUTRAL.
When I was in university and used to have discussions with all kinds of students; this was the most irritating one. You explain the whole situation to them, you put up your arguments in the best possible manner, you poke them to throw questions to you so discussion can go on and after all this exercise; they cut it short by declaring themselves as NUETRAL. So who is a NEUTRAL? Or, if I am putting it right, what is a NEUTRAL?
I personally feel that it’s a state of mind that pushes people to think that being apolitical is a lot better than getting associated with any political idea. It happens when someone thinks that if he doesn’t take part in politics; politics won’t do any harm to him. I have never bitten a mosquito; a mosquito will never bite me.
This ‘mental state’ also gives a free hand to criticize, and criticize, without posting any solution. In this way, a NEUTRAL can bash anyone with any political background as his NEUTRALITY gives him a ‘license to kill’. One more feature of NEUTRALS is there tendency to shy away from any clear cut answer when questions are posed to them. ‘Baat aap ki bhi theek hai, ghalati mein bhi naheen keh raha‘ (you are right but I am also not wrong) approach allows them to maintain a balance between agreement and disagreement. This helps them not to reach any conclusion after discussion, keeping their pride of not proven wrong.
During discussions, if you observe their body language, you will also find it NEUTRAL. They will nod sometimes and you will start feeling that they are in agreement, but as discussion goes on, and you want them to endorse that, they will take a step back and won’t agree to you, for the sake of NEUTRALITY. Interestingly, they will not strongly oppose you either during discussions. However, you can find them cracking jokes on you later on while they are with their friends.
If you don’t agree with my analysis, there is a large population of NEUTRALS available for experiment in public universities. Give it a try and let me know if your analysis leads you to a different conclusion. I will accept that or will have argument over that, because I am not a NEUTRAL.