I salute “Shuhda-e-Inqilab”
“When injustice becomes law resistance become duty”.
A day back when the armed faces of Punjab government inspired by Talibanization style raged an unannounced operation over the non-combatant civilians I witnessed Karbala of the time. Those characters are not buried in the past but their predecessors are still Alive!
Time is to descend into the causative factor that impetus the workers of Minhaj-ul-Quran and PAT? Why were they shot dead? Who was backing the centrally controlled police department? How can a CM living few streets away remained unaware of the incident? We all know the answers. Long we have discussed government failures and injustice towards masses and even the atrocities and action against the people. But the incident of Model Town would be written in the history with blood ink. Their lies no ambiguity about the issue that over whose fiats was the operation started.
Barriers which were legitimized by the orders of higher court our year back at once become so threating and disturbing for the nearby residents that police thought of removing it in midnight around 2:00am. Without the approval and fiats of either CM or Home Ministry police department cannot rage any operation against the civilians. Workers defied the unjust act by regressive approach and history won’t forget how the non-combatant and unarmed civilians won over machines approach. Police hold negotiation with Minhaj-ul-Quran while the same moment the had started inviting more elite forces. Not only they harassed but also stopped the ways and routs coming toward central secretariat and Dr Qadri’s home. This ire the anger of workers more.Barriers is no more a strange thing in an environment like Pakistan.A senior anchor Shahzaib khanzada wonderfully exposed how Rana Sanaullah spoke lie before the people by saying that there is no “No Go Area” in Punjab. He exposed how all the privileged class is enjoying the safety measure including the sons of CM and other PPP leader not with an exclusion of Rana Sanaullah himself.Gullo Butt a PML-N lion and a well know rascal had broken the cars o the workers and lead the operation with Punjab police. All know within days he will be set free and will be awarded.
PML-N regime have a long and strong history regarding state terrorism but this ruthless and remorse act shroud the rest of past. Punjab police whom once Dr Qadri called “Private army of Punjab Government” proved the titled they were awarded by Dr Qadri. This whole mayhem was to disturb the working of Revolution, destroy the home ground of Dr Qadri and to arrest his family. Those Punjabi terrorists attacked the unarmed civilians and clout them irrespective of the age factor and gender. I can’t forget the beat and tortured old man I found bleeding just before me. My own brother was shot and others even shot to death. These Shuhda-e-Inqilaab are worth respectable. Extremists tried their atrocities and brutality at verge where the peace mongers recorded the steadfastness.
If the CM and Rana Sanaullah think that by shutting us or even shooting us to death can curtail revolution them are misunderstood. No force can detain the mass movement. Blood input to the movement incarnate the mission and lead it to success, history proves. 17 June is a horrid picture of state terrorism. Those shed their lives in war against government terrorists are the martyrs of Revolution. Their lives had exposed the remaining truth and even ambiguity about the ruling terrorists to the whole world.
Is there any law in the world even the worst dictatorships which legitimize open fire on unarmed civilians? Is there any justification to directly gun down women? Is there any practice of stifling and bashing the old aged people? Can any Muslim spirit favors attacking the Durood reciting place, like” Ghosha-e-Durood” in the central secretariat of Minhaj-ul-Quran, and even disrespecting the Holy Quran? All this unlawfulness, injustice and immorality have been proved by Shareef’s rule. Not notice yet have been taken against either by CM or PM. Keeping silence have backed their self-designed plan to contain the revolutionary spirits but no force or debacle would be a hurdled. The worst part is when those responsible are the investigators and the judges. Time to mourn on our fate that we elected such sick politicians who have failed even the moral ethics more than their political failures.
The time is not far when the mayhem will reach the toll and the masses will getaway with the legal boundaries and will overhaul their fate hand written. They would batter the lawful conditions and that day the ruling junta will find no way to escape death of their rule forever. Yes! That time is much near and Model town incident will petrol this hate fire. But it looks as if the government is dumb enough that it wants to try all possible remorse act to stifle commoners irrespective of the fact that it will fueling their spirits and helping the agitation against them. Dr Qadri’s worker proved their leaders words by maintaining peace even been gunned down. They gave their lives but made another peaceful sight before the world. I believe that the revolution is making its way forward.