Tales from two Dharnas
Lately, there has been an increase in emphasis on giving women their due respect in our society. It felt nice and honored that women importance as functional members of the society is finally recognized and given its due credit. Women rights are now focal point from mainstream media to dinner table. Thanks to Ex-President Musharraf, women voice is now vocal in assemblies too. Women are now actively participating in political events, look at the footages of any major political event whether a Jalsa or Dharna and you will find substantial number of women present there.
Men and party workers seems to be obsessed with women, touching women inappropriately was the only goal of their presence. There was no one to listen to their complains. The Dharna left a black spot on her mind. For me, I was convinced that it was an isolated event where a section of crowd was rowdy but was surprised by the statement of Deputy women head of Punjab, she on record stated that she was disgusted by the behavior of her party workers. She complained that women were being harassed and touched inappropriately. Her repeated complaints to party high command yielded no result as no disciplinary action was taken. Her ordeal left me speechless and full of doubts whether it was right time for women to take part in political events.