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Burning Province: Education is the only way out

General Election 2013 in Pakistan is over and the federal and all provincial governments have taken their charge.

But the problems of Pakistan are same and the expectations of common public are quite high to the new governments.

Every province has their own demands to the Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif and he is also taking bold actions.  Few of his decisions have given a new breath to the system and some have raised eyebrows. A decision that got much appreciation was the way in which the government was formed in Baluchistan.

PML-N gained a heavy mandate and emerged as a prominent political party of the most neglected province of Pakistan. This gave them the right to form a government but for the sake of Balochistan PML N  provided a chance to other prominent leaders of Baluchistan to hold the office of the Chief Minister.

I remember when I was in school,  I saw Dr. Abdul Malik for the first time in my life, at that time he was working as a Minister of Education in Baluchistan, As a child, I rejected his speech due to his accent but when I reached college and then university, I got to know about him and his struggle for Balochistan and then I realized that Dr Malik is a seasoned politician.

Some analysts are of the opinion that the Prime Minister  was not ready to share the burden of the crisis in Baluchistan, therefore he decided to run the province’s affairs through a collation government. According to me, this is the gift of the struggle made by Dr. Malik for Baluchistan and he has to prove himself as a powerful Chief Minister of Baluchistan and also a leader of all identities living in Baluchistan.

Balochistan is combating  numerous  problems and the most important issues are education and health. The Chief Minister proving himself as a true representative of  the common public has allocated an amount worth Rs 34.89 billion for education and Rs. 42 billion for health and also announced to open new colleges and universities province wide.

I think this is the best decision taken in the budget because Baluchistan is the province where ignorance prevailed from centuries. Even in the modern era Balochistan lacks enough colleges and universities and its youth has no place to find the exact path for their future, and unfortunately the young Baloch choose the wrong path to get their rights.

Dr. Malik knows the actual problem and he has adopted the correct way to change the mindset of common Baloch.

But it does not end here as he allocated the budget for education he needs to teach Baloch people the right use of their education as  the people of Makran belt are more educated than the rest of province but usually their prime goal is to secure better jobs and students belonging to tribal belts usually prefer international universities or colleges and they use it as a tool to leave Balochistan forever.

The Chief Minister should make a committee that would work to deliver the real essence of education and that is patriotism,  a will to serve their homeland.

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