Army Coup or Awami Putsch?
There is always a limit to every thing that happens. When that limit exceeds, that pernicious stage give birth to something unusual. That can glee or make you sad.In the tales of any state either successful or the one driven into regression tragedy lurks at every corner. When in a society corruption, injustice , snubbing human rights by using force and all other social evils are certified legal than there is a threat to that balance of society. Rightly said,” When injustice become law Resistance become duty”.
France was classified into privileged ranks before a revolution burst out. Nobles and clergy enjoying all privileges were exempted from paying direct and indirect taxes. While on the other side commoners were loaded with triple taxes. Over this dis-balance of society churned out a revolt among masses.Such situation often limps on or descends into chaos. That ire raged the public to make a choice in favor of a massive outburst. Deplorable as they lacked a leader to lead so that vacuum was filled by Napoleon Bonaparte. Old monarchies were restored after Bonaparte defeat at Waterloo.In the discourse of Iranian Revolution led by Ayat-ullah Khumaini people raged against prevailing order and incarnated the dreams of 3 lac 57 thousands who died while in the course of revolution. As the conventional wisdom goes conclusion can be drawn from the tales of the two revolutions that never the things go in the direction it existed before. Rightly said,” When society is unable to hold many poor people than surely will it become unable to hold few rich”.
Pakistan is not more or less away from the emblems of previous revolts. What capacity holds by national institutes we all know much better. What a society keeps in it to maintain balance within it nothing to explain.Here Ph-Ds are ruled by Fake degree holders. Competent are either ridiculed or hurled. Criminals are set free in society and a nine month old Musa Khan is accused of murder. Resting away all the Articles of the Green Book 6 seems only article that can ensure free and fair judicial system. Those who have killed above 55,000 innocent lives are requested for a peace talk and for a good will gesture their prisoners are let free twice. On the other side where a wild cat had remorselessly killed “peacock of Jatti Umrah” was sentenced to death without tabling negotiation with. Here accountability is the name of the game. According to National Crime Data (NCD) crime rate had reached 24.12%. 1,953,209 cases in Punjab, 430,071- Sindh, 658,386-KPK, 45,071- Balochistan, 7527-Gilgit Baltistan and 29,188 in AJK are still pending. Here women are raped each day and no suspect is punished for it. Depression and dissatisfaction with the current status of society suicide ratio have increased several folds According to an estimate 5000-7000 people suicide in Pakistan yearly where larger ratio is of youth. Sadly 50,943 fatalities between 2003-14 have occurred and on asking the political heads they quibble over where to put blame on.
Future seems bleak and horrid. Like other nations did Pakistan too needs to over throw the system but if even now they took years to recognize than there wold be another Bonaparte to fill the gap. To make a secure future dictum of Revolution is to be pronounced. Track record of current federal government depicts its ruling policy which is two way attacking. One is army and other is Nation. Always they got a reaction from the former through military take over but this time seems opposite. An outrage of the downtrodden will role them forever it looks. Though parliament have constitutional supremacy but it should not be mixed with absolute immunity. No institute is absolutely immune. I would second Dr.Tahir ul Qadri declaring TTP as government private army. TTP stands encountering in front of Pak Army and Govt TTP nexus is obvious by its illogical appeasement to TTP demands. This attitude of government along with its succumbness to the miseries of public is calling for its toppling either by an Army coup or a massive public putsch. If army intervene fourth time than future of Pakistan would be more bleak and worst of highest order. Coup are limited and calculated but if people overtook the charge than there would hardly be a chance for the return of old order politics . It would be final blow to current political system. Already are here some underlying forces working to make public putsch successful with a hope of a new dawn in Pakistan.