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Save Humans, before you save culture

Article 8 to 28 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973 deals with the fundamental rights of the people. These are the basic rights and it is the responsibility of every state to ensure their availability to the citizens. Article 9 states as;

9. Security of person.-No person shall be deprived of life or liberty saves in accordance with law.

Contrary to it, people of Tharparkar, including children continues to suffer from severe shortage of food and more than 124 children have died so far because of famine which is really a very disturbing figure.

The official report stated 26 infants and children died in December, 18 in January and 23 in February. “Most of these deaths were caused by pneumonia, sepsis, birth asphyxia and very few from malnutrition. Sepsis is mainly due to use of unhygienic methods of delivery used by midwives and untrained local women.”

 The death of children because of starvation is a big question mark on the performance of the concerned authorities. The lack of medical facilities in Sindh is higher than other provinces yet the representatives of the State are not taking steps to eradicate the tragedy in Tharparkar.

According to National Nutrition Survey 2011, Thar was amongst the most food insecure region. But the misfortune is that the Patron in Chief of the ruling party has other priorities. It is the perfect example of bad governance.

Politicians are public figures but no one takes the responsibility of such a big disaster. It is a man-made problem and can be reduced by taking radical steps.

“We should bow our heads out of shame over what is happening there,” Chief Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani said about the situation in Tharparkar.

Supreme Court of Pakistan also took notice and held the Government of the Sindh responsible and directed them to resolve the shortage of food and improvement in the medical facilities of the region.

There is a common perception that food security is the availability of food which relates to agricultural production. Food security does not just deal with availabity of food but also accessibility and affordability.

Although World Food Program and Sindh Government have approved 600 Million Rupees to tackle the calamity yet long planning is needed to avoid such incidents in the future.

To save culture we have to save human.

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