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Has new Dramas ceased to fascinate anymore??

These days watching TV is like having daal chawal with different teasers like green salad (cucumber salad), papads, achar, dahi wali mirch or sukhi machli.

What I mean is the story line is the same that is Daal Chawal, actors, sets and location are the teasers.

These days most of the dramas on air revolve either around a pitiful lady suffering on daily basis, or a rich man falling for his poor office secretary, and last of all second marriages.

The talent of our actors is being wasted in these kinds of boring dramas.

We have a cream of writers, who can opt to write different but the production house don’t want to put their stakes on different ideas.

To share Mehreen Jabbar’s status from facebook “My projects don't get many ratings though I would be happy if they would but this obsession with 'ratings' is destroying if it hasn't already the drama and entertainment industry here. Channels and production houses except a few refuse to listen to any different ideas or stray from the usual theme of bichari aurat, aurat par shak, mother in law bahu drama, ameeri ghareebi, second marriages, affairs and all the other wonderful things that happen in households… . After so many years in the industry, I am actually disappointed and concerned at the future of TV here. Thoughts?”

Mehreen Jabbar a very talented director who gave hits like Vasl, Doraha, Malaal, Daam and top of the list a movie Ramchand Pakistani.

If a director of her caliber feels the suffocation in the drama industry then who will take the bold step of giving us a change of entertainment.

We in our daily life go through many highs and lows and want something refreshing to watch in the drama prime time hour.

These days either we have to watch foolish talk shows that end without any positivity or either same story line drama in different presentation.

In my opinion the strength of the drama industry lies in the differences not in the similarities.

These days the most annoying thing is the similarity in the story line but what is to be appreciated is the level of perfection in them. Every scene has it is best sets and wardrobe.

Being a viewer I feel Dramas has become, DUMB RETARDS ASKING MORE ATTENTION.

It is my view point and it can differ from people to people.

We as a nation are good in copying but when are genius mind works we excel by giving dramas like Daam, Roag, Humsafar and movies like WAAR.

If we read the credits at the end of the drama, we will find all new names. Writers like, Anwar Maqsood has even opted theater due to sinking dramas industry.

We want our children to see the Golden Era dramas, like Tanhiyan, Dhoop Kinaray, Sitara Mehrunnisa and many more.

In today’s drama modern behavior is emphasized, due to which our generation thinks of us as orthodox minded.

In our dramas our culture, morals and religious values has taken a back seat.

We can only hope that some writer, producer or director brings the change in drama scripts and frees us from the monotony.

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