Cold Night tales: Ghost can be genius
Back then when I was quite young, almost eighteen, I was relitively more inclined to social and religious gatherings. In spite of my poor financial conditions I tried not missing important religious gatherings in holy month of Ramadan and Muharram ul Harraam. This motivation made me walk miles on road alone for I could not afford public transport.
One cold and dark night, I was walking back to my home from Ancholi, an area at a distance of almost six Kilometers from my home. The clock struck 2am. I was walking along the side of the road whereas the heavy loaded trawlers were passing by me. I was tired and depressed beacuse it was the third day and I had to walk back to my home as i was broke.
Just in a short span, a smart man of age around 24 to 26 came from behind and joined me, he had bright eyes with attractive facial features and curly hair reaching to his shoulders, amazingly he was wearing a simple 'Kurta Shalwar’ and smiled at me, I also replied him with a welcoming smile and broke the ice by asked if he is feeling cold?
He just looked into my eyes and answered, "No, I am not". His voice was quite charming.
I personally have keen interest in current affairs and general knowledge, soon I found that the guy was quite intelligent and was much aware about the global affairs, I was almost lost in his majestic voice and intellectual approach.
He told me that he was accompanying me since the overhead bridge that connects Karimabad from Liaqatabad. At that moment, I realized that we were walking at the mid of the bridge, then I asked him that from where is he coming from and heading to?
He smiled and qouted famous couplet of Mirza Ghalib:
'Badal kar Faqeero'n ka ham bhes Ghalib'
'Tamasha-e-ahl-e-karam dekhtey hain'
These lines mean that “we are disguised as beggars Ghalib, to observe the morals of generosity.”
I smiled and said 'oho Faqeer' and qouted the couplet of Saghar Siddique:
'Jis daur mey lut jaey faqeero'n ki kamai'
'Us ehed key sultan sey kuch bhool hui hay'
And this means that, “if beggars are being robbed, the king must have committed some mistake.”
I saw that his bright eyes got little wet and then he pointed his finger in straight, my eyes followed where he was pointing at and found a couple of policemen standing on road for snap checking, one of the constable called me for the search, he searched me, checked my college card and asked me that from where am I coming?
I replied him that I went to attend Majlis in Ancholi and I don't have enough money to pay for fare.
Then I turned around and asked constable about my companion, he was amused and asked me that which companion? I saw you coming alone!
I was frozen for a moment and after a while I told the policemen that I met a person near Jamat Khana and he was walking with me till you guys stopped me, cops were starring me as they believed that I was drunk or insane but after observing my distracted facial gestures and stammering they concluded that there must be some paranormal thing that had happened with me.
They dropped me at the end of bridge and advised me to recite 'Ayat ul Kursi' unless I reached my home which was little away from the bridge.
After that horrendous incident I walked many times on the same way and continuously searched him but I never met him again, I still remember his bright eyes and his last gesture when I felt his eyes wet.
I will never forget that I met an amazing person or a genius ghost in a cold winter night, several years ago.