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People They make an airline, “Ba Kamal Log La Jawab Corruption “

Catastrophe becomes the destiny of the organization when honesty, hardworking and sincerity are overwhelmed by the clouds of nepotism, jobbery, and corruption and overstaffing on political basis. Any organization can be judged from their people.  Organisations always position their products on the basis of their strength. It could be based on quality, price, niche, innovation or customer satisfaction. It helps them to create the positive image of their products or services in customer’s mind. Heathrow London, the world busiest airport and in front of me billboard with following tagline “People They make an airline” by Cathay Pacific which is a flag carrier of Hong Kong and have five star airlines rating made me senseless for a while to think about PIA.


On the other side memory of passengers of PIA flight PK785 from London to Lahore still fresh in my mind as they  remained stranded over 50 hours and caused distressed among them , their relatives and friends who came there to say bon voyage to their beloved ones. This caused an addition of humiliation and negative image of our airline. Gone are the days when we used to position ourselves as “Ba Kamal Log La Jawab Service” and when USA first lady loves to travel on PIA. It’s now only used by our politicians to earn money through stock exchange and take it out with themselves in time of difficulty from the country which bestowed them honour, respect and rule.


A 1962 photo showing Jacqueline Kennedy, wife of American President John F. Kennedy, disembarking from a Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) plane at London’s Heathrow Airport and being greeted by the plane’s flying and cabin crew.

The major factors behind the failure of PIA are overstaffing, political hiring’s, lack of innovation, old fleets, jobbery, corruption and nepotism. Yes People used to make an airline as there was a time when we used to position ourselves as a best airline of the world. We were the people who gave their blood to make it a brand name instead of sucking this airline. That was the time when we were not begging from IMF and had self esteem. That was the time when we helped to made today’s several modern five star airlines. We were the people who used to teach the world how to fly. We were the people who had the pain for our country. That was the time when we were united as a nation and East Pakistan was not separated.  

Customer’s satisfaction only measure in today’s competitive world to know how well any organization is doing. However for PIA this word is odd. We know oil prices are increasing in an international market. We know the fleets you have are old. We know your fares are higher than five star airlines .In spite having all these difficulties still we fly on PIA, why could you not be able to provide excellent customer services to your passengers. Why you fail to determine customer’s satisfaction and good service can enhance your positive image?. What does it means. Should i have to say it your negligence or bad management?

Making brand name takes years and demise takes minutes.  Demise knocks at the door when motto “Ba Kamal Log La Jawab Service” is replaced with “Ba Kamal Log  Lajawab Corruption ” The only thing which can re instate the integrity  of this national institute is  sincerity , honesty and hard work to rebrand this organization .Yes ,  I believe “People they make an airline”, doesn’t matter PIA care or not however worlds five star airlines believes.

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