As a matter of fact, normally our actions got direct link between our thoughts specially while talking, writing and doing something. Except these, BODY LANGUAGE may be a reflective of our thoughts and mind frame. Apart from this, most of the time our thoughts are not being directly materialized. Our mind is continuously in action while walking, traveling (in lets say bus), waiting for someone, observing various things around us. Our mind is really blowing when we are alone especially at night. Some great things come into mind meanwhile, some unique ideas, solutions to problems or some new questions etc.
Here, the basic point what I am trying to make is that most these thoughts are wasted because not all of us are great concentrators/retrievers(least there is no personality grooming system in place for us) and when we try to recall these things , we are unable to do so thereafter. In this way, we loose some really exciting things that could have changed our lives drastically in a very positive manner.
I think we should materialize our thoughts at the instant when things are being evolved/emerged in the mind. We can do it on simple piece of paper or write as notes on our cell phones. This is one of my great experiences that when I started writing my thoughts and ideas, it soon filled one register page in 15 days or so. Then, when I exposed this to my friends, it was really exciting because so there were tiny flaws in certain things which were being pointed out and few exciting and new questions that challenged up our thinking.
There is an outstanding and range of thinking areas and fields that human mind can cover. Studies, work, Literature or any existing stuff developed (theories, structures or formulations). Remember, nothing is perfect and final and there is always a chance of improvement for various things.
In the similar manner, its better to write your schedules, tasks and plans at your work place early in the morning, and then keep fulfilling and ticking them up rest of the day ‘ll help u managing yourself much much better.
When I compared my normal behavior and the things I wrote down, I realized that there is much more stored inside me than what I am actually contributing to this world now. I would invite all of you to try out this practice because that one line of thought/idea written can produce AMAZING results. The thought and Evolution process can advance up, that can become a major source to learn and produce effective things in life.
I accept, to Explain ideas in words is very difficult, but here I have tried to share one my most beautiful and shining experiences with you people so that it could help raising some important questions or solutions to unsolved issues in our lives and beyond…