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Anatomy Of Pak-US Relationship

Pak-US relationship is seventy years old story. It had been like that and it will be like that. The gist of the problem is that our interests are based on negativity, of both. The negativity on nuclear weapons, on terrorism after nine eleven (9/11), the Afghanistan’s conundrum et al. Such are matters on which both countries don’t see eye to eye.  And there is a dire need to fix the issue.

US had no option to intervene in Afghanistan without the help of Pakistan reminiscent of Afghan’s landlord culture, accessibility to the land, base support etc. But still both parties have different ways to solve this puzzle. Also we have this deep seeded view that the world especially US and Israel strive to neutralize our nukes.

The change in the relationship isn’t expected until you move to positivity from negativity. Neither there is a dialogue on education, trade, science and technology nor even our strategic aspirations in the region replicate US’s interests which is engender of the tilt to India by US. And this mood won’t change in near future.

In this post-post 9/11, the importance of Pakistan in Afghanistan is withering away so always be ready to witness some jabs – in way by impeding $300 million, the tension on F-16 – as the ‘new normal’ going to hit the broiling negative.

Afghanistan is a short term problem between Pakistan and United States. The fact is that the situation in Afghanistan is not likely to improve. It’s been over seven years that both US and Pakistan had been assuring each other to accomplish certain objectives but gave no time to finish it. We believe it’s not in our favor strategically, militarily and politically, what is being asked from us to do. US, being more precise Afghanistan, have a view that everything that goes wrong here is Pakistan sponsored. To place it at one place and see it with one eye is extremely difficult.

Pakistan’s importance in Afghanistan of dialogue with Taliban has faced immense destruction in the past couple of years engendering the opinion making for Americans that why should we help Pakistan, in every aspect, when they are unable to bring Taliban on the table and the war is still going unbridled. A dangerous milieu if you take it in political manner.

CPEC is a strategic achievement without doubt but depends on how we handle it. US relations with China are getting tensed especially recently because of South China Sea conflict and for that Pakistan believe Americans are against CPEC. US tad happy on the project as it will be beneficial for us but also with a view that the promises by China to Pakistan won’t be fulfilled and Pakistan then realize the importance of US assistance.

Pakistan must not muse on the ‘perceived repugnance’ by US to CPEC but needs to compliment both US and China’s assistance to favor the common man and for that it’s indispensable that we talk with both countries simultaneously and desuetude from our previous/continuing policy of substitution. Why we need to aloof ourselves from US when corroborating camaraderie with China and vice versa? Only those nations after cold war are successful who have normalized their relationships with every country, dealing in trade with one, buying arms from the other.

The mistrust between Pakistan and US is more deep rooted than our mistrust with India, to be fair. We always used US leverage over India in which US has no interest. The establishment of both countries point out finger on each other for their strategic forfeits. This mistrust will hinder the regaining of trust exercise if continued like this.

Pak-US relationship is like a marriage where divorce isn’t the possibility.

Pak-US relationship is security based with ninety percent of their talks move around security. Majority of the delegations of Pakistan to Washington talk on security matters. And that Pakistan blames US that they always discuss security issues. Ok, but why don’t you talk non-security?

Pakistan and India managed nukes amidst world’s opposition. Internationally, by law, we both can’t be considered nuclear states, but you’ve to somehow nullify it, step into the mainstream and for that you need to convince, build a consensus and join big nuclear power regimes. Pakistan has reservations that if India joins this regime, it won’t allow Pakistan to step in. Now that world has stopped us both to enter in it but India is thriving hard to get the membership and we believe we don’t need to struggle for it as long as India is out of it. Reality is we need to strive more than India because India has a better chance. Let me put it straight, the two scenarios, you manage to join it with India or only India manages to get the membership of that regime. So never be lethargic. And China, our close mate these days, won’t be able to stop India for much time as their western technology dependency, for their nukes, on US is quite evident. So be transcendent on diplomatic front for the membership.

Common interests are the basics of a healthy, smooth and friendly relationship between countries. And Pak-US interests aren’t same. In the last eight years both countries tried to convince each other that their interests are same, but we all savvy it’s just an illusion.

Let’s discuss the interests of both countries in Afghanistan. US want stability in it and we also, ok. The modus operandi to attain stability in Afghanistan by US is broad based government which is not limited to only Pashtun element, 0.3 million forces to fight Taliban and Daesh and that Kabul has healthy and friendly relationship with all the states of this region. Pakistan take this broad based government as ‘northern alliance’, 0.3 million force we take as god’s wrath and friendly relationship with states in this region we take it as strengthening India in Afghanistan. It’s true that both US and Pakistan want peace in Afghanistan but the modus operandi to embrace peace by both countries is antinomous. Come to the contention on Haqqani network, Americans say deal in full zeal with them and we say we’re not sure that it will help solving Afghanistan’s conundrum but will definitely pernicious for us. Both countries believe they are right and that’s the actual issue. And that the killing of Mullah Masour was US’s fury.

In fact, Afghanistan has many internal hiccups. And that there was a perception in Pakistan that when US will leave Afghanistan, there will be chaos which would be deadly for Pakistan’s security. Oh, and now you know America ain’t going anywhere. There is a change in Americans approach towards Afghanistan, now they are committed to Afghanistan, they want to remain there and want to assist the Afghans in monetary terms too. By the way, Pakistan also wants Americans to stay there. Now Pak-US both need a long term perspective to resolve this issue. If they remain talking about one thing then the antinomy and contention will be perpetual.

Pak-US relationship is like a marriage where divorce isn’t the possibility. We need to work with the super power and that super power ain’t ten thousand miles away but in the region.


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