Searching True Spirit Of Patriotism
Everything was turned green due to Independence Day celebrations. Buildings, markets and streets were decorated with lights and flags of Pakistan. In markets, stalls were arranged specifically for 14th August, everything was filled with decorations along with sound systems on which patriotic songs were played on full volume. Few days backs I went to a commercial market in Rawalpindi to buy some clothes – shops were filled to the brim with dresses customized specifically for 14th August with flags of Pakistan, Minar e Pakistan and pictures of Quaid-e-Azam printed on them.
Children were so exhilarated for the preparations of the big day and were busy in the shopping of 14th August with their parents as if they were there for Eid shopping. Meanwhile I asked a young girl, why she is planning to wear this green kurta on 14th August only? She was just speechless and started staring towards her mother who was busy in selection of head band that perfectly matched her kurta. The only question that came to my mind at the very moment was – is this the true meaning of patriotism that we are conveying to our future generation? Sadly we have confined the meaning of patriotism merely to the celebrations of big day.
None of us are teaching our children that patriotism is all about sacrificing yourselves for your country, and to value those who have already sacrificed. In my opinion sacrifice cannot be given only in the form of blood but to choose the actual path out of many short cuts just for the sake of your country is also a form of sacrifice. The pure expression of patriotism is to follow the sayings of the founder of our country, to get jobs on merit, to pay taxes, to keep our country clean and to respect every citizen without discrimination.
We should teach our youth to follow the traffic rules and regulation instead of becoming part of bike rallies which boys usually arrange on 14th August. How can we justify the concept of patriotism by riding the bikes without silencers which will not only put our lives at risk but also become a source of noise pollution?
We are actually more diplomatic than a patriotic nation as we celebrate our independence with zeal and zest just for show off purpose. I remember when I was a kid, I use to decorate our house with lights and flags just so our home would look prettier than others. Last year a lot of my friends including few family members uploaded pictures of themselves along with their children wearing those customized clothes on social media just to show their patriotism towards Pakistan.
After that big day how many of them wore those dresses again? Isn’t it just wastage of money? Independence Day functions have been arranged by many societies where children will present dress shows and cultural performances. We got an invitation for one of such show too and my mother was so excited to attend that it just for enjoyment.
Sadly independence day celebrations are not relatable to patriotism anymore, instead they have now become a source of entertainment and diversion from daily distress. We just paint flags of Pakistan on our faces without realizing the hidden message behind that flag. We wear those t-shirts with slogans of “I bleed green,” printed on them discerning the fact that someone bled red few decades back just to make our identity green.
Patriotism is not just a celebration it’s actually the expression to recall our duties towards our country and to make our children aware of all struggles and sacrifices of our elders after which we get this country. I wish we can teach our children the true meaning of patriotism.