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The Real Definition of ‘Traitor’!

We have a history of stiff civil-military relations and cases against former dictator Pervez Musharraf were continuation of the same prolonging rift.

The day prime minister met with army chief recently and the reports emerging out of the meeting were more than a surprise to me.

We have a history of stiff civil-military relations and cases against former dictator Pervez Musharraf were continuation of the same prolonging rift.

Singling out the former president in so-called treason charges doesn’t reflect sane approach at the government end. Instead it gives a clear hint of personal vendetta.

Coming to the point: what actually is Treason? Is defending motherland for 43 years is treason? Taking bullets and get wounded fighting the enemies a treason? Being Ghazi of three Indo-Pak wars 65, 71 and 99 is treason? Making Pakistan socio-economically progressive country after October 1999 till 2007 a treason when Pakistan was among N-11 countries? Giving freedom to Media an act of treason? This is to mention few questions from long list, but what is the ‘real’ definition of ‘treason’, this cannot be better given by anyone other than the same Commando General who after being indicted on 31st March 2014, after pleading ‘Not Guilty’ on the fake charges framed against him, said:

“I am not a traitor. For me traitors are those: Who loot public money and empty the treasury. To me a person who sells secrets of the country to the enemy is traitor and traitor is that person who laid down his arms before enemy”

Now break this ‘Quote’ in three parts and let’s analyze isn’t he was right in wake of the current scenario in Pakistan? I will not go into details but will put forward the points/questions to answer.
Traitors are:
1.       Those who loot public money: Well ‘Panama Leaks’ is a ‘proof’ of this.
2.       Who sells the secrets to the enemy: ‘Silence’ on the issue of ‘RAW’ agent Kalbhushan Yadev to ‘save business’ in India is clear evidence. Only army has spoken and protested against this and that too in a ‘separate’ meeting with Iran’s President…Guess why the need of this meeting when you have ‘Patriotic’ and that too ‘Democratic’ government?
3.       The person who laid down his arms before enemy: The ‘Kargil War’ is the clear example of this when military victory was converted into political defeat in ‘pressure’ from enemies of Pakistan.
This practice of defaming army, of orchestrating politically vindictive cases against their COAS, though retired, will only further expose their evil intentions of destroying Pakistan!
Nation has given their verdict that they stand with their armed forces in this war against terror. The war that in General Pervez Musharraf’s era was interpreted as ‘Foreign war’ and now with the successful outcome of Operation ‘Zarb e Azb’ credit is being taken to hide their own negative agendas. But now the ‘real traitors’ are finding no place to hide after ‘Panama Leaks’ and then the Army’s stance on corruption and its nexus with terrorism is another ‘injection’ adding only pain and not relief. How crazy they went when COAS General Raheel Sharif said:

“Ongoing war against terrorism and extremism being fought with the backing of entire nation cannot bring enduring peace and stability unless the menace of corruption is not uprooted. Therefore, across the board accountability is necessary for the solidarity, integrity and prosperity of Pakistan”

So this ‘across the board accountability’ part is what is making their nights sleepless and as a consequence in frustration and to divert attention from real issues by ‘pressurizing’ Army, they have turned their guns towards General Pervez Musharraf but will never be successful InshaAllah!
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