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Desi World Order–operational on the basis of a flawed system

60 years after its inception, Pakistan is still confused about its values, standards, and objectives. Till date, there have been countless incidents where laws were challenged by lawyers who studied the same law. Doesn’t that mean that the laws being followed by our judicial system are flawed?

The Pakistan Penal Code used for all offences charged in the country was originally prepared by Lord Macaulay in 1860,which was back then known as the Indian Penal Code. Since then, only a few changes have been made to incorporate new types of crimes. However, its methodologies, precautions, and sanctity are all way too old, all of which delays justice.

We have seen countless people getting arrested for obvious reason-the whole world, their witness. Yet they are released within few months. For them, maybe, money says it all! For those not as privileged, things are worse. For them, judiciary does not provide any justice and has no capacity to investigate if they are innocent or guilty. Moreover, decade old concepts like emails, secure criminal databases, online verification just do not exist in the courts. The extremely traditional paperwork takes up weeks for what can be done in a few hours.

Once someone has been charged, it takes approximately 7 to 9 years to prove him innocent or guilty. The complex ones may take as long as 15 years. It’s important to understand that these long years are not the time spent in prison, but just a stay over there while his fate gets decided by a court. After spending half of his life in prison, for a crime which he says he never did, he is told that all evidences point to that fact that he is guilty. Hence, he is sentenced for another 15 years.

While the case is going on in the courts, people make a lot of money. A judge will be paid an amount for every case he hears, and not for each solved case. Lawyers are paid per appearance in the courtroom, the police investigation officer will be paid per visit as well. What’s worse, for those victims who have to appear at a court and are kept at the prison, are not allowed to leave the premises unless they bribe an officer.

Ultimately, after five to seven years, authorities get tired of rambling on the same story and earning a commission on it every time. That’s when the auction begins! Everyone has a price then-the judge, lawyers, prosecutors, clerks, police, the list may be longer. Someone needs to be bought, and unfortunately, the buyer is mostly a victimized civilian who has exhausted all his money already in the last few years.

At this point, the intention is no longer to serve justice but to sell it. And now is the best time for a golden handshake. Whoever gets paid more will get the decision ruled in his favor, of course by bribing everyone else in the chain. Everyone associated with the case, who was seen fighting in the court rooms, now shakes hands with a little smile on their faces.

When the case finally ends, the victims are devastated. Their lives, money, and happiness have been wasted in the name of justice, which does not exist. Meanwhile, the law enforcing authorities keep staging crimes and arresting people, because that’s what they are paid for.

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